Steadfast Download | Rebbiemusic
The crooner of the amazing song “The Move” is out with her new single STEADFAST. This song promises to bless and inspire you. It is a song for the world, to encourage as it says in
James 1:12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
Kindly download, share and stay blessed.
Mordi Rebecca a.k.a Rebbiemusic, a Music Ministers who carries God’s divine presence through Gospel music.
A young talented, passionate and anointed gospel singer who started singing at the age of seven,and also attending different children singing competitions. This built up the desire to follow this path. Also continued burning for Christ all through college.
She has backed up great Music Ministers like De-ola, Soltune, Kamalsings and many more.
Download Steadfast By Rebbiemusic (MP3)