Amazing God Amazing God You do mind-blowing things Amazing God Amazing God Amazing God You do mind-blowing things Amazing God You do mind-blowing things Amazing God You come through, for me You come through, for me, e ee... You do mind-blowing things Amazing God You do mind-blowing things Amazing God You do mind-blowing things Amazing God You do mind-blowing things Amazing God (Lily Perez testimony) [On the 15th of February, 2017. I was involved in a fatal accident, right at home. My help had forgotten to turn off the gas, after using it and I still remember vividly as the fire engulfed my hands and my leg. I heard the voice of fear saying, "Lily, You're not going to die, but You are going to be seriously burnt, your face, your body. My hair was infact on fire and till today I don't understand how the fire was put out". But, God. God steped in and saved my life, He came through for me and He is still in the business of saving and delivering lives.] Eh Eh Eh.... He came through (yes He did), for me... He came through for me... He did a mind-blowing thing ‘Cause He’s an Amazing, Amazing God He does mind-blowing things He’s an Amazing God You do mind-blowing things You’re an Amazing God You do mind-blowing things Amazing... God...